To make the perfect boiled egg every time, do NOT time the process. Instead, lift the egg periodically from the boiling water with a spoon (yes, the spoon *is* a good idea).
When it's out, watch how fast the water evaporates off the egg shell. If it takes longer than 2 seconds, put the egg back in the water. When it takes a little less than 2 seconds, it is perfectly done - not too hard, not too soft.
After you do this for a few years, you will become a master of the Art, like me.
There you go - I suppose you can think of me as a sort of Nigella Lawson without the Decolletage....
No, perhaps not.
Hi Ken, that eggs look "yummy". I like soft boiled eggs with the yolk still juicy.
Likewise with sunny side up eggs, I always leave the egg yolk half cooked.
Hope your vacation is turning out well.
Thankyou for that, you truly are a soldier.
OK, that was pretty random, there....Can't wait to hear the full story sometime!
I was in Bintulul, Malaysia this past week and for breakfast I picked up a boiled egg. The captain (yes, I was on a vessel) told me it was a half boiled egg. I didn't fully understand what he meant until I tried to crack it. More like a quarter boiled if you ask me.
Thanks for the tip!
Hello Ken, the keypads have a mind of their own; that should read: THAT EGG LOOKS YUMMY..( grins) sorry.
Enjoy your vacation.
Well I suppose... if you like your eggs runny.... personally I don't like eggs so for me to eat one boiled it has to be HARD boiled.
No translucency at all.
But you know, maybe one day I'll have to cook an egg for someone who likes them like yours and then well... I'll be prepared.
Just call me a girl scout.
Dib Dob Dib.
Personally I'd prefer you in drag as Nigella to the real thing. She's so obvious...I'm sure you'd have more subtlety!
You got me with the picture, and I just had to read the post too. My favorite breakfast as a child! Do you serve toast soldiers with that?
Hi Jen, Great holiday, not many eggs! :)
I microwave poached eggs in a little ramekin-thing (is that the right word or did I just make it up?) my total-sucess-rate is poor...
Tam: Tennn-Shunnn!
Matt: sorry, man, no fuller story to be had. As the man in the song said, "That's all she wrote...".
Bald Eagle: "...I was in Bintulul, Malaysia..." you old place-name-dropper, you. I'm not telling about my silly little holiday now, no, I'm not! :)
Cellobella: I like a hard boiled egg sometimes too... usually when my infallible method fails.
Rachel: I *am* Nigella. You know this, deep down.
Hi Jennifer, yes, soldiers are Mandatory, I repeat, Man-Da TORY! :)
Welcome back, Mate! Tell us about your holiday!
You're a handsome fellow to be sure but I'm going to stick with Nigella if its all the same to you. I don't watch much cooking stuff but I have a tendency to turn the channel a little slower for her ...
this is the only way i like eggs. hard whites and mushy yolks, perfection. i time for 3 minutes, exactly they seem to do well
Intriguing idea - I shall try it, just for the hell of it.
That was one of the most unique tips I have ever read. I do like hard boiled eggs, so I believe this is going to come in handy.
...yes, using a spoon is a *great* idea.
Good tip. I made buttermilk overnight pancakes last night (for this morning) so won't get the chance to try the egg boiling yet.
If this works, I hope it will take me less than a year to master it. Thanks for the tip!
Ok. So what's the best method for hard boiled eggs?
Use the above method then... em... give it another while.
(Let me know if I get too technical here)
"Use the above method then... em... give it another while."
LOL. Great response. ;) Very similar to what I would have said if I knew what I was talking about. ;)
As far as I know blogger id cannot remove nofollow, but commenting using personal url, also in nofollow. Your blog does not follow the comments link, but you show the tag of "U Comment, I Follow" I think you should remove this tag or remove the logo.
Hi Atniz
Blogger can remove 'Nofollow' but it has to be done manually by adjusting the html code as I have done (with some help).
I just used this little utility:
to check that I am still 'Dofollow' - as I am very keen to be - and everything seems to be in order. Please let me know if you find things to be otherwise and I will work quickly to get it put right.
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